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Absence from an Exam or Deferred Exams

Attention! Cette politique s’applique uniquement aux cours offerts par la FSAA. Il faut consulter les politiques de la faculté de rattachement pour les cours qui sont offerts par d’autres facultés.

La présente politique concerne le report et l’absence à un examen ou autre forme d’évaluation dans tous les cours offerts par la Faculté des sciences de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation, peu importe leur formule d’enseignement. Elle s’applique au 1er, 2e ou 3e cycle d’études. Cette politique vise à assurer le traitement uniforme et équitable de tous les étudiants.

L’absence à un examen ou autre forme d’évaluation est une situation exceptionnelle qui doit être justifiée par des motifs suffisamment sérieux qui relèvent de circonstances graves et indépendantes de la volonté de l’étudiant.

Dans la présente politique, le terme « examen » s’entend de toute activité d’évaluation requérant la présence, physique ou virtuelle, en continue de l’étudiant sur une plage-horaire prédéterminée et comportant une durée maximale.

How do I apply for a deferred exam with prior authorization?

Students who are, and continue to be, enrolled in a course or courses must take the necessary steps to write the exams as scheduled in the syllabus distributed at the beginning of the term.  A student who has reason to believe that they will not be able to attend a scheduled exam must obtain prior approval from the professor.  If the request is approved by the professor, the student therefore agrees to make the necessary arrangements.


Here is an example of a reason deemed serious enough to apply for a deferred exam:

·         participation in a contest or competition, athletic or other in nature, at the provincial, national or international level.


Here are some examples of inadmissible reasons for a deferred exam that will result in a mark of 0 for that exam:

·         a planned vacation or purchase of plane tickets;

·         consecutive exams scheduled in classes on the same day;

·         job interviews;

·         appointments with specialists.

How do I apply for a deferred exam with subsequent authorization?

The student that, for a major reason, cannot write an exam must inform the FSAA Bureau de la gestion as soon as possible:
Tel : 656-2131 poste 3145
Email : info.programme@fsaa.ulaval.ca
In person : room 1120 at the Paul-Comtois Pavilion 

Next, the student must hand in, without delay, the completed application form (justification d’absence à un examen) along with supporting documentation vouching for his/her failure to write the scheduled exam.

A deferred exam will only be granted for serious reasons:

  • sickness
  • accident
  • death of a close relative
  • birth
  • other major emergency

An unexcused absence, due to inadmissible reasons as previously mentioned above or because of misunderstandings of exam time, room or day or all other related reasons will result in a 0 for the exam.

Terms and Conditions of an Exam Deferred by a Professor

The terms and conditions of a deferred exam will be specified by the professor.  The student will be relatively consulted about when the exam will take place.  Attendance to a deferred exam is mandatory and any a failure to appear for this exam will lead to an automatic 0.