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Office of Dean of Students

From the Office of the Dean

Mot du doyen

Seule faculté bioalimentaire francophone en Amérique, la Faculté des sciences de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation (FSAA), forme des professionnels et des chercheurs hautement qualifiés.

Elle est aussi une entité de calibre mondial, axée sur le développement des connaissances et des compétences par l’enseignement et la recherche, dans la perspective de proposer des solutions innovantes, inclusives et durables aux besoins émergents du secteur bioalimentaire, de la nutrition et de la consommation pour répondre aux préoccupations sociétales et de santé.

The Faculty of Agriculture and Food at University Laval contributes to the development of the world agri-food system by the excellence of  high qualified professionnals, and the skills of  their teachers, researchers and research professionnals who conduct fondamental and applied research all around the globe.

The Faculty offers 36 academic programs (undergraduate and graduate) in the fields of ag-economics and consumer studies, agronomy, food science, food engineering, agroenvironment engineering, nutrition. More than 2500 students are enrolled and more than 25M$ of research funding comes into the Faculty annually.
The Faculty hosts 5 Canada Research Chairs (Dairy and probiotic lactic culture biotechnologies, International agri-food commerce, Functional genomics and animal reproduction, Plant protection, Human nutrition and health genomics), 5 NSERC Industrial Research Chairs (Canadian Peatland management, Technology and cheese typicity, Dairy production and milk components, High precision irrigation, Eco-efficiency of milk processing), 1 Academic Leadership Chair and 6 Endowed Chairs (Ornemental Horticulture, International Development, Nutrition, Agricultural Policy Analysis and Collective Marketing, Egg Industry Economy, Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery).  Therefore, the Faculty operates three experimental farms.

We are proud to make a difference for the Earth and in your life.

Denis Roy


Danny Sohier

Executive Director


Lyne Létourneau

Associate Dean and Secretary (Academic)


Hélène Jacques

Associate Dean (Research)


Faouzi Benjelloun

Head of Information Technology and Pedagogical Support

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