To obtain assistance for:
Contact person: Jean-Louis Bécu
418 656-2131 Ext. 406755
Contact person: Jean-Louis Bécu
418 656-2131 Ext. 406755
Contact person: François Coulombe
418 656-2131 Ext. 406593
To report a theft or lost item, or to obtain assistance for accessing the facilities:
Located at the Pavillon Paul-Comtois, Toast café is a food service that is completely administered by FSAA students. The main food service on campus, it hires 10 students annually. Microwave ovens are also available to you in the cafeteria.
Contact :
Reservation of facilities for events
For faculty members, contact the following person to reserve rooms:
For other members of the university community or external members, please contact:
Bureau des événements campus
Pavillon Maurice-Pollack
2305, rue de l'Université, Bureau 3244
Université Laval, Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Telephone: 418 656-2740
Fax: 418 656-2548
Events featuring alcohol:
Procedures for activities with alcohol [In french only]
Procedure for requesting an alcohol permit [In french only]
Important: Since a minimum of two weeks is necessary to process your request at the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ), you must contact the Bureau des événements campus at least three weeks prior to your event.
1 877-606-1122 ext. 403145